Social Change Courses @ Northeastern
Interested in a social change course at Northeastern? Check out current course offerings at Search NEU and register at the Northeastern Student Hub.
The following is a partial list that will be regularly updated. Notice something missing? Let us know at [email protected]
Courses: Social Change @ Northeastern
Lab Seminar in Applied Design and Legal Empowerment
Course Number: LAW7635
Department: Law (LAW)
Offers students an opportunity to critically engage with design methods and principles in the development of new solutions and ideas for our legal systems, institutions, and problems. Examines methodologies derived from the fields of product, service, and critical design. Emphasizes hands-on student engagement with structured creative processes, field observations, prototyping, or other methods derived from a diversity of creative disciplines. Students apply these methodologies and skills in the formulation of a response to a timely design question. Students’ exploration of critical design is intended to foster a vision of a future world where everyone is empowered to use the law.
Language, Culture, and Literacy
Course Number: EDU 6162
Department: Education – CPS (EDU)
Examines the interrelationships among language, culture, and identity and explores the implications of those relationships for effective teaching in middle schools and high schools. Considers issues of linguistic diversity within their broad sociopolitical and philosophical contexts, emphasizing how language discrimination functions within the context of other forms of systematic oppression in our society. Explores the processes of identity development in the context of schooling and literacy performance. Also examines methods of helping linguistically diverse students to develop their oral and written language abilities within a learning environment that draws upon and celebrates their native language abilities and traditions. Requires graduate students to demonstrate advanced levels of study and research.
Latin American Literature
Course Number: CLTR 4655
Department: Culture (CLTR)
Offers an overview of the major trends in Latin American narrative, poetry, drama, and essays, from Bernal Diaz through Borges and Bolaño. Studies broad cultural and political contexts, especially the Cold War period and the impact of neoliberalism. Conducted in Spanish.
Law and Economic Development
Course Number: LAW7525
Department: Law (LAW)
Examines prevailing economic theories of and strategies for economic development and the legal and institutional frameworks devised to implement these strategies. Considers what kinds of legal and institutional arrangements best facilitate economic growth, how law structures and shapes markets, what “development” is and how it can best be measured, and whether legal instruments can be used effectively to address underdevelopment in a structural way. Focuses on development in the so-called developing world while also exploring some strategies for addressing development in a local community context. Addresses several development case studies posing particular problems in specific regions and contexts. With permission of instructor, students may register for an additional credit by completing a substantial paper (in addition to other course requirements) as required by the instructor.
Law and Inequality
Course Number: LAW7664
Department: Law (LAW)
Explores inequality from a range of disciplinary perspectives and the difference that can make in a variety of legal, social, and economic contexts. Elaborates methodologies for mapping ways diverse legal regimes and concepts contribute to the production, recognition, reinforcement, and maintenance of hierarchies of privilege and disadvantage between individuals, groups, localities, regions, and nations. Identifies key legal drivers in the production of inequities and explores how they shift bargaining power, redistribute resources, or otherwise ameliorate inequities or their adverse consequences. Students research a circumstance of inequality and develop a legal map to engage it. With permission of instructor, students may register for an additional credit by completing a substantial paper or equivalent writing project (in addition to other course requirements) as required by the instructor.
Leadership for Social Justice
Course Number: EDU 7218
Department: Education – CPS (EDU)
Examines how knowledge is produced in the context of historical and contemporary understandings of power. Focuses on change agency through ongoing self-examination, context analysis, and development of an action plan.