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Social Change Courses @ Northeastern

Interested in a social change course at Northeastern? Check out current course offerings at Search NEU and register at the Northeastern Student Hub.


The following is a partial list that will be regularly updated. Notice something missing? Let us know at [email protected]


Courses: Social Change @ Northeastern

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  • Special Topics in Digital Humanities: Where Does Data Come From?

    Course Number: ENGL 7380

    Department: English (ENGL)

    Explores specific analytical techniques such as mapping, computational text analysis, or network analysis; a particular methodological tradition such as digital scholarly editing; the history of a particular debate, research problem, or theoretical orientation such as intersectional feminism; or the intersection of digital humanities and another domain such as writing studies. Offers students an opportunity to develop more specialized skills and methods that support advanced research and teaching in digital humanities.

  • Special Topics in Race & the Law

    Course Number: AFAM 5001

    Department: African American Studies (AFAM)

    Explores the various questions, relationships, and connections between the law and racial issues and concepts. Each offering focuses on a special topic such as reparations, civil rights, gender, or the environment and energy policies. May be repeated up to three times for a maximum of 16 credits.

  • Special Topics/Givelber: Topic TBD

    Course Number: LAW7983

    Department: Law (LAW)

    Covers special topics in law. May be repeated without limit.

  • Stress, Resilience and Behavioral Change

    Course Number: PSY 2230

    Department: Psychology – CPS (PSY)

    Offers a research-experiential approach to understanding the benefits and negative consequences of stress and its effects on human behavior and physiology. Discusses the work of researchers and practitioners in stress response. Topics include the relation of stress to health, communication, relationships, and academic and work performance. Examines the behavioral strategies associated with leveraging the stress response in personal and professional arenas. Considers perspectives of resilience, coping, and behavioral change from various social and cultural standpoints.

  • Sustainability in the Business Environment

    Course Number: FINA 2720

    Department: Finance & Insurance FINA

    Examines a variety of environmental problems, including global warming, use and disposal of toxic substances, and depletion of natural resources such as water and petroleum. Many of these problems arise because these are resources that are available to all and so their overuse is an externality that is not included in manufacturing costs. Businesses have been involved in both identifying sustainability issues in their individual organizations and providing a variety of innovative solutions. Uses a combination of readings and case analyses to assesses how both government regulations, such as taxes, subsidies building codes, prohibitions of use, and business solutions, including zero emissions, green design, producer take-back, life cycle assessment, and corporate environmental reporting to address these problems.

  • The Immigrant Experience

    Course Number: SOCL 3407

    Department: Sociology (SOCL)

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